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Mint Julep Day

Celebration of the famous Whiskey based cocktail, signature of the Kentucky Derby Race, the Mint Julep!

Cognac Day

Each year on June 4th, brandy lovers and distillers celebrate National Cognac Day. A well-known variety of brandy, Cognac was named after the town of Cognac in France in which...

World Gin Day

A global celebration of all things gin, held on the second Saturday in June. For all the Gin lovers don't forget Gin & Tonic Day on the 19th of October!

Bourbon Day

On June 14th, National Bourbon Day recognizes the Official Spirit of America. Like Scotch, Cognac, and some other spirits, Bourbon must meet certain standards and be produced in a specific...

Martini Day

Shaken or stirred? Gin or Vodka? Olive or Twist? Make your choice and celebrate Martini Day with us!

Imbibe Live

The leading event for the UK drinks industry Returning to the Grand Hall at Olympia London in 2023

World Rum Day

World Rum Day was launched in 2019 by Paul Jackson, spirits writer and Editor of World Rum Guide. It is celebrated on the 2nd Saturday of July each year, becoming...

Piña Colada Day

A frosty and delightfully creamy concoction of pineapple, rum, and coconut cream, the Piña Colada, was first created in Puerto Rico in 1954. Although its history is contested among Puerto...

Mojito Day

Mojito deserves a celebratory day, so let's toast. What more do you need on a hot summer's day than to cool off with this classic minty cocktail? The mojito ranks...

Grand Marnier Day

Grand Marnier is an orange-flavored liqueur made from a blend of Cognac brandy. It was created by  French named Alexandre Marnier-Lapostolle in the year 1880.

Tequila Day

What would it be your fav drink to celebrate Tequila day? Paloma, Margarita, or as a shot? Well whatever will your choice be, SALUD!

Daiquiri Day

Daiquiri Day is the perfect time in the middle of the hot summer to enjoy and celebrate all things related to this refreshing alcoholic beverage